Hi folks,
A wet Sunday morning and I haven't been up that long (only on first cup
of coffee) so I hope this will make sense!
Surely all that is actually needed, at least as far as B format is
concerned, is whether the W signal goes positive for a pressure increase?
Everything else is given by the B format definition wrt this. Of course, it
would still be useful to know about other things (such as those given in
the earlier messages below) but not essential. That said, knowing about the
mic only really helps if you also know the polarity of the whole signal
chain. If you want the information about this to persist, the only (near)
reliable approach is to record an acoustic test signal at the start of each
recording. Does anyone know, of the top of their heads, if a film set type
clapper board reliably provides a positive going leading edge to it's
impulse? I can't see it not, but I'd prefer that to be confirmed by
repeatable experiments.
On Oct 9 2011, Michael Chapman wrote:
On Sun, Oct 09, 2011 at 08:24:02AM -0000, Michael Chapman wrote:
for TetraProc:
-it allows inversion, or not, at the user's choice
(it actually allows it on a per channel (per mic capsule) basis
-it also allows ... to complicate your task ... 'Endfire'
Not really exact.
Tetraproc allows to invert any combination of X,Y,Z and the
Endifire options which swaps X and Z and inverts one of them.
All of these operate on the B-format signals. There are no
UI controls to invert the capsule signals. It can be done
of course by editing the A-B matrix.
Not exact at all ;-(>
I'd just got out of bed ... a poor excuse.
Thanks the correction, Fons.
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