> I think we should try to establish some sort of "official" database of
> what SoundField (and TetraMic) models are polarity inverting at the
> B-Format output.
The TetraMic outputs A-format.
Obviously though inverted A-format will effect B-format . . .

IIRC (and this does need checking!!)
-the output from the mic is not inverted,
-if you use the old mini-XLR to normal-XLR converters that
also convert 48V phantom to 5V phantom, then these
do invert.

Sorry can't remember where I read that ... but it was a long
time ago.
Len (as in CoreSound) now offers a box (small cigarette
packet) rather than the old 'tubes' (XLR diameter). As these
allow switching between internal 1,5V internal battery and
external 48V on the normal-XLR lead, I am not sure if
they consistently invert or not.

If no-one knows, I'm happy to do some expt's for you.
(We have both a tube and a box.)



> While maybe this characteristic is trivial when the mic is used alone, it
> becomes important, for example, when combined with spot mics.
> Something like this:
> Mk IV
> B: inverting
> Stereo: ?
> Mk V
> B: inverting
> Stereo: ?
> ST350
> B: inverting
> Stereo: non-inverting
> and so on...
> - Daniel
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