
Yes, that's the album. Right, I'm clear on the G-Format now.

So, EMI used 45J? I thought they were solidly SQ until the end of the 70's.

Thanks for the information

  Sorry to come late to this party, I've been out of the country.

  I don't know the Calrec stuff at all well. There's Derrick Cantrell's 
  Organ Recital at Hepstonall Parish Church, which I think was the first; 
  catalogue number AS1 I think.

  If it's from 1974, then it could well be 45J. When I was at EMI (1976) 
  we were still using 45J - I remember producing badges that said "45J - 
  The Best Sounds Surround" and that would have been 1976-ish.

  You should be able to decode with any available UHJ decoder to suit your 
  speaker array. Worst case I think you'll find the soundstage rotated a 
  few degrees.

  By G-format, Peter C is talking about decoding to a square 4-speaker 
  array, the default for creating a conventional multichannel disc from 
  Ambisonic content without requiring the listener to have a decoder (ie 
  you decode it for them to a configuration that will work for most real 
  surround listening environments), see:
  http://ambisonic.net/pdf/ambisonics_around.pdf. (PDF, 950K)

  Peter also mentions the Meridian software decoder, which is not 
  available. However there are plenty of software decoders available for 

  Hope this helps,

  -_Richard Elen

  On 09/08/2011 05:49, Richard wrote:
  > Hi all
  > I have a couple of questions that I suspect may be hard to answer, and that 
is regarding the encoding of a LP I have.
  > I bought this 'Ambisonic' LP in 1977, but it has a recording date of 25th 
March 1974. It is on the 'Calrec Audio Ltd' label and clearly states the 
involvement of the N.R.D.C
  > Now the questions I have are:
  > 1, If this is truly an early Ambisonic recording, could it be an early 
version of UHJ where Y= (0.3225 +- 0.00855j) instead of what is now used Y= 
  > 2, Would there be anyway of checking?
  > 3, If it is, is it possible to accurately decode it?
  > Richard
  > I believe.... because nothing's impossible
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