Le Thu, 2 Jun 2011 14:27:24 -0700 (PDT),
Ralph Glasgal <rglas...@yahoo.com> a écrit :

> Obviously there is no reason not to use subwoofers with RACE, Wareing,
> or Choueiri. 

But those filters were designed to work with full range speakers, so
unless the mains are on top of the subs I suppose it is better
not to use the filters with subs that are apart from the mains. 

> I think we are splitting hairs here. 

On the contrary, it's very interesting!

> It is
> incontroverible that the human ability to localize declines with
> frequency.  Based on the Bose experiments and other AES papers
> written too long ago to remember, 90 Hz is where localization begins
> to become difficult.  This is very hard to verify because all
> subwoofers have harmonic distortion and one localizes to that.  Also
> in the early days, and even now apparently, the crossovers were not
> steep enough to prevent some energy over 90 Hz from reaching the
> subwoofers.  I am sure somebody did it before Bose, but as far as I
> know he was the first to make a completly passive crossover network
> steep enough to allow the subwoofers to remain unlocalizable to
> anybody except Fons.

I did a basic experiment with twos subs and a sound generation software
(PureData with the equal_power_pan extension). I panned a bass sine
tone from left to right and back, changing the frequency between 40Hz
and 160Hz. I was able to localize the sine tone at certain frequencies,
depending on my position in the room; at 70Hz the tone was very easy to
localize. So it's definitely possible to create a sound field with
directional bass, intentionally or not.

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