On 01/06/2011 22:01, Fons Adriaensen wrote:
On Wed, Jun 01, 2011 at 08:59:30PM +0100, dw wrote:
Computer say " i can give you itd=450us @ 20Hz" off the shelf. That is
very near field, so should be unaffected by the room. I don't know
whether it is true..
It depends on what you start from.
If you have an intensity (panned) stereo LF source at e.g. 30
degrees left (so only in the L channel, assuming a normal stereo
triangle), then reproducing this using two speakers at +/- 7.5
degrees is easy. It only requires a difference channel (L-R)
gain 13 dB or so higher than the sum (L+R) gain, and independent
of frequency. Some power is wasted but it will work.
Things are different when starting with a binaural signal for
for the same source. This will require a very high difference
channel gain (proportional to 1/f, and complex), much more than
could ever be used in practice.
The whole concept of Ambiophonics is based on the idea of
delivering the L,R signals in a stereo recording to the
respective ears without crosstalk to the other. The basic
assumption is that the signals are binaural. But for that
kind of signal it can't work for low frequencies because
it would require much more L-R gain than is possible in
practice. If it works, and it does in many cases, it is
because most recordings are *not* binaural to start with,
but a mix of intensity based stereo (at LF) with *some*
ITD at mid and high frequencies. For example the popular
ORTF technique will deliver exactly that.
For a pure binaural recording, Ambiophonics fails at LF.
For a pure intensity (panned) stereo one, it will fail at
mid and high frequencies because there is no ITD in the
recorded signal (normally spaced speakers would create
the ITD at playback).
It Ambiophonics works well for some recordings it it just
because these are intensity based at LF (requiring only
moderate L-R gain), while still having some ITD at mid
and high frequencies. Presenting it as a system that
delivers binaural signals to the respective ears without
crosstalk is misleading, that is *not* why it works in
Nobody knows exactly how the ears work! I suggest you get a copy of
Auberge - Chris Rea, some fine, small studio monitors, follow the
instructions I provided and report back.
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