On 05/02/2011 12:27 AM, Richard Dobson wrote:
> On 01/05/2011 22:22, Fons Adriaensen wrote:
> ..
>> But as the sound engineer who's expected to provide a solution I'm
>> not in a position to argue about this. And from the same perspective
>> there is another point to consider. What if you have not just a
>> single piece requiring some ad-hoc speaker placement, but three or
>> four in the same concert, each of them having their specific
>> requirements ? In that case I (as the sound engineer) would want to
>> use a technology that allows me to cover all of them without having
>> to physically move speakers and rewire the whole setup for each
>> piece. And that is exactly what using HOA provides in such a
>> situation - it abstracts the hardware. This is a point made very
>> strongly by Joern Nettingsmeier in various papers and reports about
>> his work, and I couldn't agree more with what he writes about this.
> OK. As it happens my application is/will be purely synthetic (muons up
> there, electrons down here, top quarks somewhere else entirely, and the
> Higgs of course centre stage front) so ostensibly I can use whatever HOA
> order I like. I do ~really need~ to know how few speakers I can "get
> away with", as that is what actually costs money! The Allosphere uses
> somewhere around 500 speakers; I need to reduce that number just a tad;
> to single figures if possible so I can put it in a hatchback with the
> back seat down... or the whole idea of it is more than a little moot and
> I will stick to stereo.

since we were talking about posterity...: by all means, use HOA for your
spatialisation process. it doesn't cost anything at all, and will make
your efforts future-proof. if you then feel you have to render it on
only 4 speakers, that will be no problem. but if you get the chance to
use a more luxurious outfit, your material will be able to exploit it.

Jörn Nettingsmeier
Lortzingstr. 11, 45128 Essen, Tel. +49 177 7937487

Meister für Veranstaltungstechnik (Bühne/Studio)
Tonmeister (VDT)

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