On 20/04/2011 22:04, Helmut Oellers wrote:
Hi David,

you are not alone in your insigthes. Some single discrete reflections are
the most important fact for estimation of source distance.
There exist research from Helmut Wittek, who was proven, play the
reverberation from four different directions is absolutely sufficient. We
cannot use the direction of the wave fronts in the reverberation tail for
determine the position of the source. Also in the recording room, the
reverberation arrives from all possible directions.

Another case are the first reflections. Her  delay time and direction are
the most important fact for approve the source position, what inclusdes its
distance and the size impression of the recording room. Such single
reflections causing deep comb filter effects and change the perception
considerably. On the other hand, for reverberation is valid, what floyd
Toole says sometimes: As more reflections esxist as less disturbing there
are. ( as far as I remember well his words ).

All we need for correct distance reproduction is restore some ingle
reflections from her correct starting points and the correct relation
between direct wave and  reverberation.

Regards Helmut
I think rooms are poor substitute, and very recent on evolutionary timescales, for the predictable reflections one gets in a forest. You need the simulated forest (sort of both uniform but also random )for an accurate guess of the "start time". Then you delay the direct sound arrival time from there as well as decreasing its amplitude proportional to 1/t (where t is the time-of-flight from "start time" to arrival at the listener).. if I remember what I tried to do. If you live in a room then expect errors but the same principle applies! We can't and don't determine the direction and distance of a sound with only two ears. We use an infinite 3d array. We just don't know the precise details of the ever-changing array. It is a very clever trick that evolution has come up with!

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