I think this idea was invented by Christian Huygens and
Young and Fresnel. Once one knows that sound is a wave phenomenon,
there is nothing left to invent--except the details of how the sound
goes around the head. Practical implementation especially in the analogue
world is another story!
On Thu, 24 Feb 2011, Josh Atkins wrote:
This is getting off topic, but in helping my advisor prepare an
invited talk a few months ago I found that the idea of cross-talk
canceling was invented by Manfred Schroeder and Bishnu Atal in the
60's at Bell Labs: http://www.freepatentsonline.com/3236949.html
They should have waited 40 years to apply for that patent!
The more recent work that I know of has been done by Darren Ward &
Gary Elko, Chris Kyriakakis' group, and Kirkeby & Nelson. I'd be
surprised if there weren't a couple of vsts, but I don't know of any
off hand.
On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 5:22 PM, Peter Lennox <p.len...@derby.ac.uk> wrote:
Is it so different from Ralph Glasgal's ambiophonic cross-talk cancelling?
Dr Peter Lennox
School of Technology,
Faculty of Arts, design and Technology
University of Derby, UK
e: p.len...@derby.ac.uk
t: 01332 593155
w: http://sparg.derby.ac.uk/SPARG/Staff_PLX.asp
From: sursound-boun...@music.vt.edu [sursound-boun...@music.vt.edu] On Behalf
Of Michael Graves [mgra...@mstvp.com]
Sent: 24 February 2011 22:16
To: Surround Sound discussion group
Subject: Re: [Sursound] cross-talk cancellation used in binaural sound
I have a Carver C-9 Sonic Hologram unit that I bought on Ebay for about
$80. It's a nice little demo piece, but limited in its application.
That said, it's biggest problem is noise. Of course it's all analogue
and built around -10 dbm levels. And all those capacitors are now very
Has this sort of thing evern been implemented in code, like a VST
plug-in? Ideally it would be nice to have it available within the
plug-in architecture of the Logitech Squeezeserver that we use for
casual audio playback. There are even limited implementations of room
correction done in that manner.
On Thu, 24 Feb 2011 10:15:40 -0800 (PST), Robert Greene wrote:
I suppose that someone ought to mention-so I shall--
the Carver Sonic Hologram.
You can still find the devices around(they were
crosstalk cancellation processors).
They work really well, if you do not
mind sitting really still in one spot
(which of course you are going to have
to do for any such system with only two speakers).
And the nice thing is the Sonic Hologram sounds good-
it does minimal damage to the music.
It is interesting--sort of tells you where the industry was
and still is on surround and so on--that Martin Colloms
writing about the Sonic Hologram in HiFiNews
says that it definitely makes stereo better [and potentially
much better] but that it is just too much trouble...
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