On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 05:33:05AM +0000, Augustine Leudar wrote:

> First, don't try and send HTML to this list, as you can see it will
> be removed.
> Sorry - I  dont know what you mean - as far as  Iknow  I haven't sent any
> html to this list (at least not intentionally) - I assume you don't mean
> links as there was no link in my original message and
>  there are also many links in the messages on this list.

No, links are perfectly OK. But your messages (as they arrive
to readers of the list) end like this:

An HTML attachment was scrubbed...

which means your mail program is sending an HTML copy of your
text as well. Most mailing lists have a 'no HTML' policy, and
some, like this one, will actually remove it.
> I only got so far but as I understand it it uses sound
> pressure levels and phase differences to plot x,y,z spherical coordinates
> which are then reconstituted in the decoding - out of curiosity Why the need
> for the w coordinate - cant the sound pressure level be gleaned from the x,y
> and z ?

If they were just coordinates then you could find w from x,y,z.
But they are something different. 

Image the sound field created by some source, e.g. a sine wave
reproduced by a speaker. At each point in space there two physical
quantities involved:

* The pressure is going up and down at the frequency of the signal.
  This the W signal, which will be produced by an omnidirectional
* To make the pressure variations possible at all, some air must move. 
  Image a tiny volume of air around some point. It will be moving 
  back and forth. The velocity of this movement is a sine wave, and it
  will (in normal cases) be in phase with the pressure signal. But it
  also has a *direction* - it is a vector in 3-D space. So it can be
  split as the sum of three components along some chosen x,y,z axes.
  These components are the X,Y,Z signals. A figure-of-8 microphone
  produces a signal equal to the projection of the velocity vector
  on its (the microphone's) axis. Three of them are required to have
  the full vector.
For a single source at sufficient distance, the magnitude of the 
velocity is proportional to the pressure, they are in phase, and
the direction of the velocity points towards the source. Pressure
and velocity are closely related in that case, but even then you
can't find W from X,Y,Z alone. The reason is that if you put the
source in the exactly opposite direction, and invert its phase,
then it will produce exactly the same X,Y,Z - the inversion of
the signal and the direction cancel each other. So you need W
(which will be inverted) as a phase reference.

In the more general case, pressure and velocity are independent.
If you have the same signal reproduced by different sources
(or just a single source and a reflection on a wall) you get
standing waves, and there will be points were the pressures
cancel but velocity does not and vice versa.

Now pressure and velocity are the only two physical quantities
that define a sound field. The basic idea of Ambisonics is that
if you can somehow reconstruct them at the listener's position,
the the listener must hear the same thing as for the real source.

First order Ambisonics (the version using only W,X,Y,Z) can do
this in a small area, where 'small' is expressed in wavelengths.
So this area is large for low frequencies and gets smaller as
frequency goes up. Above a few hundred Hz it has become so small
that it is even too small for single listener. So for mid and
high frequencies, Ambisonics will use a different strategy which
is based on psychoacoustics. For installations where the listening
area has to be much larger, the 'psychoacoustic' strategy is 
normally used at all frequencies. 

Higher order Ambisonics (using more signals) can reconstruct the
sound field in a larger area. It still needs the psychoacoustic
approach for all but the LF range, but this improves as well as
order goes up. At third order and above it becomes very close to
VBAP in fact, with only the speakers nearest to a source direction
contributing in any significant way. The difference with VBAP is
that Ambisonics will not treat the directions corresponding to
the speakers as 'special'. This helps to conceal the speakers
being the source of the reproduced sound.



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