On 14/01/2011 01:54, Jörn Nettingsmeier wrote:

under linux, you can run jconvolver with the uhjenc plugin, sounds very good, but introduces 2048 samples of latency. and fons has recently added an IIR-based uhj encoder to the AMB plugin set (with zero latency but likely some compromises in sound quality), i haven't had the chance to test it carefully, but a quick run-through showed it does the job, although i prefer the sound of the convolution one.

D*mn, I'm just finishing off a (VST/AU) encoder myself using an IIR filter set based on the analogue all pass filters in the original Calrec unit (as designed by Geoffrey)- if I'd realised Fons had done so already, I could have nicked his code and saved myself some considerable time :-)


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