Hi Richard,
I'm afraid Peter passed on November 15th, 2008. I know his daughter is trying to clear trying to clear his house, but I am sure that she would have contacted Geoff (or even me, as I'm trying to set up an archive for his tapes) about any equipment she wanted to get rid of, so I suspect that this is from someone else. There was a small enclave of Ambisonics enthusiasts down there at one time (early 90's I think) - they even published a User Group magazine (If I remember correctly it was called the AmbUG newsletter - think I may even have a copy buried somewhere in my stuff) but I don't remember any mention of building mics from the issues I saw.


On 08/12/2010 14:28, Richard Lee wrote:
As far as I was aware, the only example of this SFM version (a very early
one) was at Peter Fellgett's house and I was hoping this and other Ambisonics
memorabilia would eventually find a place in a museum somewhere. I have
contacted his family to ask if they still have this array. I certainly never
saw it dismantled and separate from the perspex collar as it is in the photo,
so maybe it is a different one. Apart from PBF's family, I cannot think who can
have it legitimately, unless Calrec had one (if so I never saw it in Hebden

There was only one ever made according to Ken Farrar&  Clem Beaumont.

from the seller ....

So I bought the four from him. He was an ambisonics fan from the West of
England, he sold an ambisonics amplifier to play recordings as well.

so it looks like Peter Fellgett's.  Hope this doesn't mean he's passed on and
this is the family disposing of the estate in the wilds of Cornwall.

Well done Mr. Furse for preserving this bit of Ambisonic history.

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