Congratulations, Fons - glad to see it's up and running - and looking good!
I've had a lot of experience with Revoxs through the years going back as
far as the valve (tube to those in the colonies) versions and I'd say
there's a ver good chance it'll work just fine - so long as it's been
stored well the only thing that is likely to have suffered is the rubber on
the pinch wheel.We still have working Revox A77's that have been at the Uni
longer than me, which is 37 years! However, now you're going to need to
find the head demagnetiser and test tapes and... :-)
On Dec 7 2010, wrote:
Hello all,
Last friday the 'LABEL' - laboratory for electro-acoustic music at the
Casa della Musica, was inaugurated. It's the result of a co-operation
between the CdM and the Promoteo Foundation.
Some press photos are here:
Monitoring is on a regular octagon (5.7m diameter) using Quested SR8
active speakers. For the audio processing there are two computers,
an Apple Pro II, and a Fujitsu W380 (dual quad core) running Linux.
There's a Yamaha DM1000 mixer as well, Aphex DA converters, and
everything is interconnected digitally using an RME ADI648 MADI/ADAT
The Apple will run commercial software (PT, Logic, Waves...) but all the
Ambisonics related work will be done on the Linux system. One of the aims
will be to be able to mix a work in 3rd order using a software AMB mixer
(in development), and then take the audio files and the mixer session file
to a similar 'mixer' application at the Sala Bianca and render it there
using the WFS system.
So far there was no money for a 3D system (but I'm hoping to add that
later, and the wiring for it is already prepared), nor for any acoustic
treatment. But things seem to work well even without. I've been listening
to some of Joern Nettingsmeier's 3rd order mixes and they sound really
great, with the sound just 'being there' instead of appearing to come out
of the speakers.
You're all welcome to have look if you're near Parma, just drop me a line.
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