Eric - please tell me this was an honest attempt at 'humor'???

P.S. Congrats Fons, I surely hope to make over to Italy and have a visit to 
Parma high on my list, more so now!

On Dec 7, 2010, at 12:20 PM, Eric Benjamin wrote:

> Congratulations!  And great photos.  But what's that piece of gear on the 
> left 
> in photo #2?
> Eric
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: "" <>
> To: Surround sound list <>
> Sent: Tue, December 7, 2010 8:34:53 AM
> Subject: [Sursound] new Ambisonic facility in Parma
> Hello all,
> Last friday the 'LABEL' - laboratory for electro-acoustic music at the
> Casa della Musica, was inaugurated. It's the result of a co-operation
> between the CdM and the Promoteo Foundation.
> Some press photos are here:
> <>
> Monitoring is on a regular octagon (5.7m diameter) using Quested SR8
> active speakers. For the audio processing there are two computers,
> an Apple Pro II, and a Fujitsu W380 (dual quad core) running Linux.
> There's a Yamaha DM1000 mixer as well, Aphex DA converters, and
> everything is interconnected digitally using an RME ADI648 MADI/ADAT
> bridge.
> The Apple will run commercial software (PT, Logic, Waves...) but all the
> Ambisonics related work will be done on the Linux system. One of the aims
> will be to be able to mix a work in 3rd order using a software AMB mixer
> (in development), and then take the audio files and the mixer session file
> to a similar 'mixer' application at the Sala Bianca and render it there
> using the WFS system. 
> So far there was no money for a 3D system (but I'm hoping to add that
> later, and the wiring for it is already prepared), nor for any acoustic
> treatment. But things seem to work well even without. I've been listening
> to some of Joern Nettingsmeier's 3rd order mixes and they sound really
> great, with the sound just 'being there' instead of appearing to come out
> of the speakers.
> You're all welcome to have look if you're near Parma, just drop me a line.
> Ciao,
> -- 
> FA
> There are three of them, and Alleline.
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