Tomoaki AOKI <> writes:

> On Mon, 04 Dec 2023 08:48:52 -0500
> Lowell Gilbert <> wrote:
>> Kurt Jaeger <> writes:
>> > I had thought that the ZFS fix is a kernel fix so that the kernel
>> > would also report -p1, but it does not. It might be because
>> > zfs is a kernel module, so the kernel itself was not really patched,
>> > but I might be wrong here.
>> As far as I can see, that seems exactly right.
> As this kind of confusion caused by mismatch of patchlevel between
> kernel and userland arises from time to time, now would be the time to
> switch to keep patchlevel in sync between kernel and userland.
> This would force both kernel and userland to be built using the same
> patchlevel, even if one of which is actually unchanged.
> But maybe helpful to avoid confusion like this.

I doubt that no approach would keep *someone* from being surprised,
*some* time. Whether such a change would make it less common? Maybe,
but I am definitely the last person you should ask.

Be well.

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