On Mon, 10 Apr 2023 02:33:34 +0200 Mathias Picker <mathias.pic...@virtual-earth.de> wrote:
> Am 9. April 2023 20:55:58 MESZ schrieb Yoshihiro Ota <o...@j.email.ne.jp>: > >Hi, > > > >I've been following releng/13.2 since it was branched. > >I use amd64 arch for this. > > > >I had built kernel modules during BETA/RC period. > >The above i915kms had worked until RC5. > >I had not built RC6 locally and picked up RELEASE on releng/13.2. > > > >After upgrading from RC5 to 13.2-RELEASE, the kernel started failing to load > >i915mks. > >This time, all kmod started failing such as one for virtual box, too. > > > >I thought I would need to rebuild all kernel modules, and thus started. > >However, even after rebuilding kernel modules several times, i915kms doesn't > >load properly. > >While new virtual box kmod works, I think my build environment isn't a > >problem. > > > >I cannot make i915kms back in working condition. > >I also updated /usr/ports and rebuilt few times but yet not successful. > > Did you update /usr/src ? Yes, I have the latest releng/13.2 under /usr/src and main under /usr/ports from git. Hiro