On 2023-04-09, Yoshihiro Ota <o...@j.email.ne.jp> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been following releng/13.2 since it was branched.
> I use amd64 arch for this.
> I had built kernel modules during BETA/RC period.
> The above i915kms had worked until RC5.
> I had not built RC6 locally and picked up RELEASE on releng/13.2.
> Any hints or same experiences?

This is a bit strange - I had that same issue between RC2 and RC3.

And there the commit logs show that somebody did explicitely change
the version number (from 1302000 to 1302001), for whatever reasons
I didn't fully grok.

It seems the modules do not like such a change, and have to be rebuilt.

That version number is visible with pkg info:
> Annotations    :
>        FreeBSD_version: 1302000

It is also present in the base installation ...

$ grep FreeBSD_version /usr/include/sys/param.h
#define __FreeBSD_version 1302000       /* Master, propagated to newvers */

 ... and in the kernel source:
$ grep FreeBSD_version /usr/src/sys/sys/param.h 
#define __FreeBSD_version 1302000       /* Master, propagated to newvers */

And somewhere it lingers also in the kernel itself:
$ strings /boot/kernel/kernel | grep 13020

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