> I just hope that in 5 years from now I can find this mailing list post > when I completely forgot the whole thing and can't figure how to make it > work...
The collective memories can be there for you... :) See it can often be much easier to find posts after you import the entire FreeBSD Mail Archives directly into your favorite mail client [or text search engine] and search it directly locally on your own machine for what you want, especially given many "online" archives suck at search or are incomplete. You can seed your local copy with... rsync -nHaxi --delete bit0.us-west.freebsd.org::FreeBSD-mailarchive/ ./bit0.us-west.freebsd.org::FreeBSD-mailarchive/ The *huge* problem with that is that postmaster still has not added the archives from the new list manager software MLMMJ into the above rsync hierarchy, so it is now three months big gap and growing. Therefore not even this 'freebsd-stable' list is up to date there, thus no one can import and search on new messages since May 2021, or even hit 'reply' to those new archive threads thus magically and correctly preserving proper original threading, etc. Postmaster and distribution really needs to fix the rsync archives, thus the cc's, because even bcc's for those simple notification purposes are also not yet even enabled on the FreeBSD lists. For more posts with good use cases on why these archives can be very helpful for users and the Project, search the archives for 'bit0'. You might have to wait a bit until the rsync archives are fixed and thus complete before you can find those cases search results.