Hi Ari, > Am 19.08.2021 um 10:33 schrieb Aristedes Maniatis via freebsd-stable > <freebsd-sta...@freebsd.org>: > > The man page is very confusing. Yes, it says -c is class. But it also has > examples like this: > [...] > What is -c supposed to do?
Everything after the user name is handed to /bin/sh. So it's executing sh -c command ... That's why it doesn't work without -c in most cases. Kind regards, Patrick -- punkt.de GmbH Patrick M. Hausen .infrastructure Kaiserallee 13a 76133 Karlsruhe Tel. +49 721 9109500 https://infrastructure.punkt.de i...@punkt.de AG Mannheim 108285 Geschäftsführer: Jürgen Egeling, Daniel Lienert, Fabian Stein