@xkaraman: no, it is about the internal libraries whose code is inside the 
folders `src/lib/{srdb1,srdb2,ims,trie}`. Instead of building the code in those 
folders as internal libraries (that were then used by the modules (like acc, 
msilo, carrierroute, ...)), the code is compiled as part of the core. So, for 
example, acc no longer needs to be linked to libsrdb1, carrierroute no longer 
needs to be linked to libsrdb1 and libtrie.

But the external libraries are sill used/linked as they are now (e.g., libssl, 
libjansson, ...).

In short, it is about removing dependency in modules' cmake-files of any lib 
from `src/lib/*` and the kamailio binary (the core) is compiling/linking also 
the *.c files from `src/lib/{srdb1,srdb2,ims,trie}`.

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