Considering that it hasn't been much activity around the internal libraries for 
long time, I was wondering if it still makes sense to keep them like they are 
or merge them in the core.

Recently, during the devel meeting, I relocated a couple of them to the 
archive. The `lib/binrpc` (and `print`) can have the same fate, being not 
actually used.

The srdb1 is very common and I guess it is very rare the case when a deployment 
is used without a module not depending on it (e.g., even if dispatcher is used 
with a list file, the code is still linked to this library).
The `trie` library is small and `ims` is actually a set of getter functions for 
message attribtues/headers.

The `srdb2` is not used much, but I think the right approach for it is to 
change the modules using it to `libsrdb1` and get rid of it completely sometime 
in the future. Till then the code is not big and can reside as part of the core.

The benefits I see are in simplifying the build system (current makefiles and 
hopefully soon-to-be-merged the one based on cmake), reducing also the time to 
compute compile and link dependencies; getting rid of packaging complexity 
(same library may be needed by different modules, which, when packaged 
separately, the library has to be in a 3rd package, or have dependency of the 
other module's package -- probably now the libs are shipped with the core 

The code for libs can stay at the same location, so source code for modules 
doesn't need to be updated, just that they are compiled with the core, removing 
internal libs from makefiles.

Thinking that we go for 6.0.x, clarifying the plans for this component and 
cleaning it, if decided so, should fit well in such version number jump.


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