Thank you all for your help in my computer science educational research trials 
and errors. 

This helped a lot. 
Sent from my iPhone

> On Jan 13, 2025, at 17:52, Alex Rousskov <> 
> wrote:
> On 2025-01-13 13:29, Jonathan Lee wrote:
>> Is there anyway to use more workers on a non rock system, without
>> disabling the cache? I can use them when cache is disabled. Without
>> it I get assertion failed: controller:cc:930: EX&quot
> I will try to clarify in hope to reduce misunderstanding, especially by 
> others reading the above question outside your environment context:
> 1. Using multiple workers without cache_dir is supported. This includes both 
> memory-caching and non-caching Squid configurations.
> 2. Using multiple workers with rock cache_dir is also supported.
> 3. Using multiple workers with non-rock cache_dir is not supported. For some 
> definitions of "work", in some deployment environments, one may be able to 
> use such unsupported configurations (e.g., by using configuration macros to 
> create worker-specific cache_dirs), but I do not recommend those unsupported 
> tricks and am not going to detail them here. Sooner or later, those tricks 
> may stop working without notice and with bad side effects.
> 4. Using a single worker with rock or ufs cache_dir is supported. Some 
> believe that aufs and diskd cache_dirs are also supported. I am not going to 
> argue, but do not recommend switching to those cache_dir types.
>> My system says this proxy does not support rock and coss
> Is that a Squid-generated error/message or an error/message generated by some 
> other software? If it is the former, please quote the exact Squid message. If 
> it is the latter, perhaps the authors of that other software can help you 
> enable rock cache_dir?
> N.B. Modern Squids do not support COSS cache_dirs.
> HTH,
> Alex.
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