On 2025-01-13 13:29, Jonathan Lee wrote:

Is there anyway to use more workers on a non rock system, without
disabling the cache? I can use them when cache is disabled. Without
it I get assertion failed: controller:cc:930: EX&quot

I will try to clarify in hope to reduce misunderstanding, especially by others reading the above question outside your environment context:

1. Using multiple workers without cache_dir is supported. This includes both memory-caching and non-caching Squid configurations.

2. Using multiple workers with rock cache_dir is also supported.

3. Using multiple workers with non-rock cache_dir is not supported. For some definitions of "work", in some deployment environments, one may be able to use such unsupported configurations (e.g., by using configuration macros to create worker-specific cache_dirs), but I do not recommend those unsupported tricks and am not going to detail them here. Sooner or later, those tricks may stop working without notice and with bad side effects.

4. Using a single worker with rock or ufs cache_dir is supported. Some believe that aufs and diskd cache_dirs are also supported. I am not going to argue, but do not recommend switching to those cache_dir types.

My system says this proxy does not support rock and coss

Is that a Squid-generated error/message or an error/message generated by some other software? If it is the former, please quote the exact Squid message. If it is the latter, perhaps the authors of that other software can help you enable rock cache_dir?

N.B. Modern Squids do not support COSS cache_dirs.



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