I've tried building it and it seems to have make install -ed correctly but I'm 
getting "command not found" when I try to execute squid3. Is there a step I'm 
missing? oli...@lennox-it.uk
tel: 07900 648 252

      From: Rafael Akchurin <rafael.akchu...@diladele.com>
 To: "squid-users@lists.squid-cache.org" <squid-users@lists.squid-cache.org> 
 Sent: Friday, 14 April 2017, 12:40
 Subject: Re: [squid-users] HTTPS woes
>>> Then my config in Squid is like this, the dhparams file I generated as per 
>>> instructions in the squid wiki:
>> First of all: what's Squid's version?

> And secondly; are you sufficiently capable with Debian to (cross-)build your 
> own Squid package that can run on Raspian?
> The Debian squid/squid3 packages do not have TLS/SSL/HTTPS support. So you 
> will be building your own to get the bumping features.

When you decide to recompile on Raspbian, please be sure to take a look at 
https://docs.diladele.com/administrator_guide_5_0/install/rpi/squid.html - it 
describes one way of doing this  *on* RPI (without cross compiling). But it is 
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