13.04.2017 22:57, Olly Lennox пишет:
> Hi There,
> I've been battling for the last few days on a little project to setup a 
> Raspberry PI device as a small parental blocking server. I've managed to 
> configure the device to work as a transparent proxy using squid which is 
> assigned as the default gateway via DHCP and after a lot of messing about 
> I've finally got to the point where it's routing traffic correctly, proxying 
> and blocking unwanted websites over HTTP.
> The problem I have is that for the life of me I cannot get things to work 
> over HTTPS. It's working over the older, insecure web browsers where anything 
> goes but the more modern browsers will not accept the SSL certificates and 
> fail with insecure messages. I've tried various ways of generating a cert and 
> also generating a CA cert and signing my other cert with it to no avail. I've 
> had a mixture of errors back from the browser from WEAK_ALGORITHM to 
> I've been using openssl to generate self-signed certificates and create a der 
> file. Below is a recent attempt but I've tried lots of different approaches:
> ------------
> openssl req -x509 -nodes -sha256 -days 3650 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout 
> squid.key -out squid.crt 
> openssl req -new -x509 -key squid.key -out squid.pem 
> openssl x509 -in squid.pem -inform pem -out squid.der -outform der
> ------------
> Then my config in Squid is like this, the dhparams file I generated as per 
> instructions in the squid wiki:
First of all: what's Squid's version?
> ------------
> http_port 3128 intercept
> https_port 3129 intercept ssl-bump generate-host-certificates=on 
> dynamic_cert_mem_cache_size=4MB cert=/etc/squid3/ssl_cert/squid.crt 
> key=/etc/squid3/ssl_cert/squid.key options=NO_SSLv3 
> dhparams=/etc/squid3/ssl_cert/dhparam.pem 
You squid's built with interception support? show squid -v output.
> ssl_bump server-first all 
This  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ option valid only up to Squid 3.4. If you
using 3.5.x, you should use new peek-n-splice rules.
> sslproxy_cert_error allow all 
> sslproxy_flags DONT_VERIFY_PEER 
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Don't do this. Never. This force
squid to ignore (and hide) all security issues with SSL from user and
from you.
> sslproxy_cipher 
> ------------
> The only routing rules I'm using are to forward port 80/443 to 3128/2129 
> respectively and also a POST_ROUTING "masquerade" rule which I got from a 
> guide (and I'm not sure I 100% understand!)
80/443 should be NATed to squid's box on squid's box.
> Can anyone tell me where I'm going wrong? This is only for use on very small 
> networks (home router + 2 or 3 trusted devices and users) so security between 
> the rPI and the client is not a major concern - I just want it to work in the 
> most simple and foolproof way possible.
You doing wrong only one: you not give any important to resolve issue
At least squid's version and build options.
> Any advice would be very welcome.
> Thanks,
> Olly
> oli...@lennox-it.uk
> lennox-it.uk
> tel: 07900 648 252
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