On 14/02/2015 5:35 p.m., snakeeyes wrote:
> Hi Amos , can you chk below plz ?
> mysql> select * from squid ;
> +--------+----------+---------+-----------+---------------------+
> | user   | password | enabled | fullname  | comment             |
> +--------+----------+---------+-----------+---------------------+
> | Nikesh | test     |       1 | Test User | for testing purpose |
> +--------+----------+---------+-----------+---------------------+
> 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
> ==========================
> here is tesing from the remote squid machine using the helper :
> /lib/squid/basic_db_auth --dsn "DBI:mysql:database=squid:xx189.177" --user 
> "squid" --password "squid" --table "squid" --usercol "user" --passwdcol 
> "password"
> ERR unknown login
> ERR unknown login
> ERR unknown login

The username tested for does not exist in the database.

You dont show what input you typed, so I cannot be certain why the
manual test gives that result. However looking at your access.log lines...

> Agia I put the user/pwd in y browser with ni luck , each time it refuse my 
> connection .
> Here is access.log :
> 1423799039.114   1072 TCP_DENIED/407 4197 CONNECT 
> developer.mozilla.org:443 nikesh HIER_NONE/- text/html

This user has logged in with username "nikesh". The database contains
"Nikesh" with an upper case 'N' character.

Try with typing the same case, and if that dont work with lower case
username in the database.


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