On 15/02/2015 8:25 a.m., snakeeyes wrote:
> Hi Amos , 
> Shoudnt the user tested is the user that I gave him the grant ???

The 'user' who got a SQL "GRANT" is the software user whch is allowed to
acccess the DB contents. That should only be Squid and/or your sysadmin
who changes users records.

The username records inside the DB is what login to Squid.

> I mean I gave grant for user/pwd ==>squid/squid
> Now how to test it ?
> Shoudnt I test with squid/squid ?? or test with user in db ???
> I mean I used :
> /lib/squid/basic_db_auth 

These mean database to use and how to access it:

> --dsn "DBI:mysql:database=squid:xx189.177" --user "squid" --password

These mean where to find the end-users account data:

> --table "squid" --usercol "user" --passwdcol "password"
> Shoud I use :
> /lib/squid/basic_db_auth --dsn "DBI:mysql:database=squid:xx189.177" --user 
> "Nikesh" --password "test" --table "squid" --usercol "user" --passwdcol 
> "password"
> ??


> Anyway I used both methods above and didn’t work and gave me error login
> Also I created another user with small letter and tried with same string 
> above and still error login.
> I logged locally to the mysql and applied the command :
> /lib/squid/basic_db_auth --dsn "DBI:mysql:database=squid:xx189.177" --user 
> "squid" --password "squid" --table "squid" --usercol "user" --passwdcol 
> "password"
> And still not working !!!
> In access.log ==> is says access denied 
> Wt do  you think Amos ?

I think it works for me and my clients. Must be something in how you are
testing it.

> Try another squid verson ? or wt ?

When I test it I get this:

> ./basic_db_auth \
>   --dsn ... \
>   --user "squid" --password "..." \
>   --table "accounts" --usercol "user" --passwdcol "passwd" \
>   --cond "" --plaintext
a b
ERR unknown login
c d
ERR unknown login
squid demo
user password
ERR unknown login
amos test

ERR unknown login

ERR unknown login

I run the lastest alpha / "pre-beta" Squid version so I know what people
will be encountering. But the helper code has not changed much since
3.1. It should work the same in any version.


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