
On Wed, Jun 13, 2018 at 10:11:00AM +0200, Mitja Mihelič wrote:
> Dear all,
> We are running the following setup:
> ovirt-engine host:
> - CentOS release 7.5.1804
> - ovirt-engine-
> - spice-html5-0.1.7-1.el7.noarch
> We have noticed problems with the Spice console. When it opens
> and displays the information presented by the VM's console it
> is OK at first. But as soon as any part of the display changes,
> that part gets replaced by random pixelated noise.
> For example I open the console of a standard CentOS server.
> When I type something at the login prompt the text is invisible
> and random pixels are displayed at the position of the blinking
> cursor. Please see attached screenshot
> spice-1-login_typing_and_cursor_waiting.png.
> Please also see other the attached screenshots.
> Login prompt after VM reboot: spice-2-login_after_boot.png
> Login prompt after hitting Enter a few times: spice-3-login_2x_enter.png
> We have tried and succesfully reproduced the issue on OSX (Chrome, FF,
> Safari) and Windows (Chrome, FF).
> VNC works fine.

Does it work fine with remote-viewer?

You could try different image compression too,
e.g image-compression=off


> Why would this be happening? Help would be very much
> appreciated.
> Kind regards,
> Mitja
> -- 
> Mitja Mihelič
> ARNES, Tehnološki park 18, p.p. 7, SI-1001 Ljubljana, Slovenia
> tel: +386 1 479 8877, fax: +386 1 479 88 7

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