Dear all,

We are running the following setup:
ovirt-engine host:
- CentOS release 7.5.1804
- ovirt-engine-
- spice-html5-0.1.7-1.el7.noarch

We have noticed problems with the Spice console. When it opens and displays the information presented by the VM's console it is OK at first. But as soon as any part of the display changes, that part gets replaced by random pixelated noise. For example I open the console of a standard CentOS server. When I type something at the login prompt the text is invisible and random pixels are displayed at the position of the blinking cursor. Please see attached screenshot spice-1-login_typing_and_cursor_waiting.png.

Please also see other the attached screenshots.
Login prompt after VM reboot: spice-2-login_after_boot.png
Login prompt after hitting Enter a few times: spice-3-login_2x_enter.png

We have tried and succesfully reproduced the issue on OSX (Chrome, FF, Safari) and Windows (Chrome, FF).
VNC works fine.

Why would this be happening? Help would be very much appreciated.

Kind regards,

Mitja Mihelič
ARNES, Tehnološki park 18, p.p. 7, SI-1001 Ljubljana, Slovenia
tel: +386 1 479 8877, fax: +386 1 479 88 7

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