Hello, Jeremy.

I've miss support for SPICE_MSG_DISPLAY_DRAW_ALPHA_BLEND in spice-html5. The 
image type that is passed from the server that we've use is a incremental 
updates (compressed full-size frame) on top of the surface. Do you have some 
roadmap for implementation more SPIDE_MSG_DISPLAY_* message types?

29.10.2015, 19:12, "Jeremy White" <jwh...@codeweavers.com>:
> On 10/29/2015 06:38 AM, j...@eyeos.com wrote:
>>  Hi,
>>  We are very glad to announce that today we have released under AGPL3
>>  license our full featured (audio, video, clipboard, qxl advanced
>>  graphics, etc) spice web client.
>>  The github of the project:
>>  https://github.com/eyeos/spice-web-client
>>  Comments are welcome!
> I am a bit frustrated that you've sprung this, fully formed, upon us.
> The spice-html5 client has been developed, in public, and collaboration
> has been very welcome these past 3 years. But I do prefer your
> contribution to you keeping it closed instead :-).
> Do I guess correctly that this has been your company's main user
> interface for the past several years? Does that imply that it's been in
> fairly heavy use for some time now?
> If you don't mind my asking, what are your intentions with this? Are
> you hoping to have this become the defacto html5 client for Spice? Are
> you willing to maintain it and take on community contributions?
> I note the attribution clause in your license. As it stands now, I
> don't think that would cause any trouble (because of the 'however' of 5
> (d) of the agpl). But it would probably be useful to get a clear
> expression of your intent - is it the case that you are willing to
> contribute this only so long as the eyeos logo is prominently displayed
> by any one choosing to deploy it?
> Cheers,
> Jeremy

Anton D. Kachalov
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