On 10/29/2015 06:38 AM, j...@eyeos.com wrote:
> Hi,
> We are very glad to announce that today we have released under AGPL3
> license our full featured (audio, video, clipboard, qxl advanced
> graphics, etc) spice web client.
> The github of the project:
> https://github.com/eyeos/spice-web-client
> Comments are welcome!

Wow!  That is astonishing, and well done, congratulations.

I've played with it a bit; I had some issues with keyboard problems, and
it wasn't immediately obvious how to use passwords or ssl.  Of course, I
suspect those are issues that are relatively easy to address.

Rough edges aside, I did note that it was visibly faster than the
current html5 client for normal usage.  I presume that all your
optimization of image handling pays off nicely.  I also presume it has
better support for Windows guests (that would not be too difficult :-/).
 It's lacking some recent developments; notably support for Opus and
support for file transfer, although I don't think either of those would
be especially hard to add.  My most recent video work around rate
control seems to give the current spice-html5 an edge in video
performance, at least with Xspice, but that, too, would likely be easy
to add to your client.

I am a bit frustrated that you've sprung this, fully formed, upon us.
The spice-html5 client has been developed, in public, and collaboration
has been very welcome these past 3 years.  But I do prefer your
contribution to you keeping it closed instead :-).

Do I guess correctly that this has been your company's main user
interface for the past several years?  Does that imply that it's been in
fairly heavy use for some time now?

If you don't mind my asking, what are your intentions with this?  Are
you hoping to have this become the defacto html5 client for Spice?  Are
you willing to maintain it and take on community contributions?

I note the attribution clause in your license.  As it stands now, I
don't think that would cause any trouble (because of the 'however' of 5
(d) of the agpl).  But it would probably be useful to get a clear
expression of your intent - is it the case that you are willing to
contribute this only so long as the eyeos logo is prominently displayed
by any one choosing to deploy it?


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