> Hello Spice developers,
> I'm planning to visit FOSDEM this year, hope to meet you in 'real
> life'. As I'm a newbie, there are few questions which bother me:
> 1. Do you know whether Virtualization devroom will be hosted at this
> FOSDEM as it was in 2013? Will any Spice-related topics be discussed
> there?

No idea about a room. I didn't submit a talk, maybe we could have a state-of 
talk, it would fit such a room. fosdem.org says until 15th of September request 
should be submitted to devro...@fosdem.org , but I haven't found any archive of 

> 2. Red Hat was cornerstone sponsor of the event in 2013, but now it
> isn't even listed... I cannot find any clarification in the Internet.
> Any news?

I'm sure there will be plenty of Red Hatters in the venue. No idea about the 
sponsorship state of things.

> 3. Right now I'm working on a media redirection idea for VoIP
> applications for Spice, there is a chance I'd have something to show
> and discuss with you at that time - so how should I arrange this talk?
> As part of Virtualization devroom, when it is confirmed? Or lightning
> talk? Right now FOSDEM calls for main tracks and devrooms, no info
> about other talk forms is published - guess I just need to wait? Don't
> want to miss the opportunity...

This sounds very interesting. I don't know what to do either - perhaps you 
could email devro...@fosdem.org and ask if there has been a proposed 
virtualizatoin room.

> --
> Best regards,
> Fedor
> P.S. I continue working on Bug 62033, just came back from vacation -
> will send my current ideas later this week.
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