Hello Spice developers,

I'm planning to visit FOSDEM this year, hope to meet you in 'real
life'. As I'm a newbie, there are few questions which bother me:

1. Do you know whether Virtualization devroom will be hosted at this
FOSDEM as it was in 2013? Will any Spice-related topics be discussed
2. Red Hat was cornerstone sponsor of the event in 2013, but now it
isn't even listed... I cannot find any clarification in the Internet.
Any news?
3. Right now I'm working on a media redirection idea for VoIP
applications for Spice, there is a chance I'd have something to show
and discuss with you at that time - so how should I arrange this talk?
As part of Virtualization devroom, when it is confirmed? Or lightning
talk? Right now FOSDEM calls for main tracks and devrooms, no info
about other talk forms is published - guess I just need to wait? Don't
want to miss the opportunity...

Best regards,

P.S. I continue working on Bug 62033, just came back from vacation -
will send my current ideas later this week.
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