On Fri, Dec 24, 2010 at 01:22:38PM +0100, Tiziano Müller wrote:
> Hi everyone
> What do you think about having a spice URL (scheme)?
> The idea behind this is that we would like to register a protocol
> handler in the browser (or in the OS) to automatically start the spice
> client based on a certain URL.
> examples:
>   spice://somehost:port/?password=sekrit&fullscreen=true
>   spices://somehost:sport/?password=sekrit&fullscreen=true
> Unfortunately I did not find a way to have the browser or the OS parse
> the arguments before calling the registered protocol handler. Thus I
> either have to code a wrapper around the spice client to do that job or
> extend the spice client argument parser to accept an url as a parameter.
> Since I prefer latter, I started by extending the Application class by a
> url parser method and added a new command line flag '--url''.
> examples:
>   spicec --url "spice://somehost:port/"
> Opinions? Would this be useful for others as well or should I rather
> write a wrapper?

I like the --url parameter. Just another command line argument, I don't know
if the length restrictions (i.e. argument list length maximum - I think 64k on
linux, not sure on windows, but I think less) will be a problem. Or charset.
Our current solution is based on around a separate protocol over a pipe between
a plugin to the browser and the spicec executable. Since there is some 
here I would suggest you try to reuse the code from the controller class.

Also, the controller protocol solves the problem of continued interaction 
the spice client and the browser. But I think it's usable to also have a url 
where you just launch and forget.

> Best regards,
> Tiziano
> -- 
> stepping stone GmbH
> Neufeldstrasse 9
> CH-3012 Bern
> Telefon: +41 31 332 53 63
> www.stepping-stone.ch
> tiziano.muel...@stepping-stone.ch
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