Hi Peter and Martin, On Thu, May 02, 2019 at 02:10:52PM +0100, Peter Cock wrote: > 3. SPI shall no longer actively seek donations for Freedesktop.org. > Donations which SPI nevertheless for Freedesktop.org shall be treated as > donations for X.org. > > Replace "nevertheless" with "nevertheless receives", or just "receives"?
Thanks to you and Martin for noticing this. Accepted as "nevertheless receives." Tim, when you add this to the agenda, please add the word "receives" after "nevertheless" in the draft I sent earlier today. I'll check some time in advance of the actual vote to make sure this happens, so that if not we can still fix it in time and vote on the correct wording. On Thu, May 02, 2019 at 07:55:57PM +0700, Martin Michlmayr wrote: > > 2. Freedesktop.org and X.org decided to merge, with X.org as the > > surviving project, due to significant overlap in participants and > > purpose. > > I'd probably move the "with X.org as the..." to the end. Both ways read acceptably to me, but putting it at the end feels like it implies some linkage I didn't intend between the choice of X.org as the surviving project and the motivation for the merger. I'd rather keep that sentence as is. - Jimmy Kaplowitz ji...@spi-inc.org _______________________________________________ Spi-general mailing list Spi-general@lists.spi-inc.org http://lists.spi-inc.org/listinfo/spi-general