Hi Jimmy,

There looks to be a typo in resolution 3, a missing word:

3. SPI shall no longer actively seek donations for Freedesktop.org.
Donations which SPI nevertheless for Freedesktop.org shall be treated as
donations for X.org.

Replace "nevertheless" with "nevertheless receives", or just "receives"?


On Thu, May 2, 2019 at 1:43 PM Jimmy Kaplowitz <ji...@spi-inc.org> wrote:
> I'm proposing this resolution for the May 13 meeting.
> Resolution 2019-05-02.jrk.1: Freedesktop.org merger into X.org
> 1. SPI currently recognizes Freedesktop.org and X.org as SPI associated
> projects.
> 2. Freedesktop.org and X.org decided to merge, with X.org as the
> surviving project, due to significant overlap in participants and
> purpose.
> 3. On April 11, 2019, the projects granted their final approval to this
> merger according to their internal procedures.
> 1. Freedesktop.org will be removed from the list of SPI associated
> projects, because it no longer exists independently of X.org.
> 2. Assets and (if any) liabilities held by SPI for Freedesktop.org are
> now held by SPI on behalf of X.org and shall be accounted as such.
> 3. SPI shall no longer actively seek donations for Freedesktop.org.
> Donations which SPI nevertheless for Freedesktop.org shall be treated as
> donations for X.org.
> - Jimmy Kaplowitz
> ji...@spi-inc.org
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