We may be missing the forest for the trees in this whole discussion...

Resolution 2009-11-04.jmd.1 was specifically designed to avoid the problem of 
quorum in anticipation of a by-laws referendum based on the renewal process 
started in January of 2003.

The contributing membership expiry resolution can be found here:


It defines activity for the purpose of remaining an active contributing member 
as having voted in the previous annual election, and offers a four-week grace 
period following a query from the membership committee for those who did not 
vote but wish to remain members. 

According to the voting results for the 2018 annual election, only 40 votes 
were cast, so, were our rules followed, only 27 of those people had to support 
the by-law changes for them to be implemented. However the membership 
guidelines at http://www.spi-inc.org/membership/guidelines/ were never updated 
per 2009-11-04.jmd.1 and so have never been applied.

We did this back in 2009 with the express intention, as I recall the 
discussion, of doing an inactive membership cull prior to a referendum on the 
bylaws precisely to avoid the current situation. 

My recommendation is that the expiry resolution  be applied to the upcoming 
annual election, now just over two months away, as the rules require, with 
appropriate warnings about expiring membership on the vote call. The annual  
election should then be followed by a repeat of the referendum in September 
after the Membership committee has had a chance to downgrade the 
defined-inactive contributing members to non-contributing.

David Graham aka cdlu
SPI board 2004-2011

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