Hilmar Lapp wrote:
> Michael, since you are silent on this in your candidate statement, I’d
> like to ask the following questions here, and look forward to your
> responses.  (1) If elected, would you continue the office of SPI
> Treasurer?

I plan on continuing as SPI Treasurer for at least one more year if I'm
re-elected to the board.

> (2) What changes do you plan to make that you believe will return the
> SPI Treasurer office (arguably one of SPI’s most important from an
> associated project’s perspective) to providing functional and timely
> service and communication.

I plan on dedicating hours to SPI treasury work each week rather than
working ad-hoc on tasks. I also appreciate the assistance recently
provided on Treasury work by several other board members, including, but
not limited to Martin Michlmayr, Martin Zobel-Helas, Andrew Tridgell,
and Tim Potter.

Michael Schultheiss
E-mail: schul...@spi-inc.org

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