I notice that Michael Schultheiss, currently holding the office of SPI 
Treasurer and whose term on the Board is expiring, is running for re-election. 
I believe firmly that those stepping up to volunteer for leadership positions 
in their non-profit open-source communities deserve special recognition and 
kudos, and therefore Michael, I applaud your long service to the SPI on top of 
the many other communities you are active in.

I also firmly believe that volunteer-run organizations do best when we’re all 
honest with ourselves. I have had to painfully learn the lesson myself that 
when in volunteer leadership roles, we need to recognize when we don’t have the 
means or time to reliably follow through on commitments we would nevertheless 
love to make out of dedication to the respective organization, and that failing 
to doing so ultimately does more harm than good.

As many here are probably well aware, the SPI Treasurer office has in recent 
years frequently not been able to conduct even simple tasks in a way that would 
ensure or even only reliably communicate or update expectations for completion. 
(I say this in the belief that what OBF as an associated project has 
experienced is similar to, and not substantially different, from what others 

Michael, since you are silent on this in your candidate statement, I’d like to 
ask the following questions here, and look forward to your responses.
(1) If elected, would you continue the office of SPI Treasurer? If yes,
(2) What changes do you plan to make that you believe will return the SPI 
Treasurer office (arguably one of SPI’s most important from an associated 
project’s perspective) to providing functional and timely service and 


Hilmar Lapp -:- lappland.io

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