Josh berkus writes ("Re: Voting system R&D (Re: 2017 update to the SPI voting algorithm for Board elections)"): > So in all of this discussion, I've not heard anything which seems > terribly persuasive compared with just taking our existing system and > fixing the problem with unranked candidates (and maybe providing a > slightly better UI). > > Yes, we could use a different system, but why?
The arguments were rehearsed extensively in July and August. > The system we currently use has been good at choosing candidates who are > acceptable to most voting members over candidates who take highly > partisan positions. This is a *virtue*, not a drawback. If we'd had a > voting system which supported more partisanship, SPI probably would have > been destroyed ten years ago when we had folks actively trying to split > the membership. Proportional voting systems are _better_ at undermining partisanship than winning-faction-takes-all ones.[1] > If we have a problem with too many candidates needing to be Debian-ish, > then the answer is to add specific board seats elected in a way which > ensures a pool of candidates who don't care about Debian. Personally, > though, I think that would be more trouble than it's worth, and I work > on Fedora. Proportional voting systems avoid the need for this kind of explicit division, seats set aside, and so on. I don't SPI as a whole is at all keen on such proposals. They are, perhaps, a necessary evil in some very divided societies. SPI does not have those kind of problems. > Overally, I disagree that there's any major issue with our voting > system, and this whole thing really looks to me like voting system geeks > looking for an excuse to tinker with "cool voting tech". The Single Transferable Vote is the opposite of "cool voting tech". What we have right now is an experimental multi-winner Condorcet which has been chosen almost by accident, and which has never been subjected to any 3rd-party analysis, never been discussed in the literature, and never adopted anywhere else. I want to move away from that to something standard, well-regarded, and widely adopted. I am trying to switch from "cool voting tech" to something boring. (If I wanted excitement I would be looking at Schultze's system more seriously.) Ian. [1] For example, if you want to read some sociology research about Northern Ireland's adoption of STV, see _The Single Transferable Vote and Ethnic Conflict: The Evidence from Northern Ireland, 1982-2007_ Paul Mitchell, LSE, for _Designing Democrat Instutitions, inaugural _Political Science and Political Economy_ conference, LSE 13-14 May 2008 or _Nationalism and ethnic politics in Northern Ireland: The Impact of PR-STV on European election campaigns" Jonathan Githens-Mazer and Henry Jarret Political Studies Association 64th Annual International Conference Manchester 14-16 April 2014 or you can do your own sociology research searches :-). _______________________________________________ Spi-general mailing list