On 12/15/2016 11:58 AM, Hilmar Lapp wrote:
> Seconded. I think we’re all in the same boat here, and I’ll go out on a limb 
> here and say that we all collectively know that what Joshua reported is by no 
> means an isolated incident but a pattern that has been festering. Plus, we 
> are probably all agreed that of all functions SPI carries out on behalf of 
> its associated projects, disbursing the funds earmarked for them in a timely 
> and low-overhead manner is the single most important one. It is the one that 
> _has_ to work, or SPI isn’t a functioning fiscal sponsor in any sense of what 
> that means.
> I myself have had to follow up on almost every treasurer ticket, sometimes 
> multiple times. I now keep a copy of every ticket receipt and create myself a 
> reminder on my todo list 3 weeks into the future, rather than just 
> considering the reimbursement done when I hit send on the initial request. I 
> can do that, and my expenses needing reimbursement aren’t large enough to not 
> allow several months delay. But it does make evident a very poor professional 
> reliability of SPI as a fiscal sponsor that disburses project-earmarked funds.

While we have plans to get better software, that's a minority of the
problem.  We could really use paid staff for the routine paperwork.
Relying entirely on a volunteer treasurer doesn't scale to the size SPI
is now.

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