On 12/09/2016 04:34 PM, Joshua D. Drake wrote:

On October 6th, I as Liaison of PostgreSQL.Org requested that 5k USD be
transferred to PgUS for their Diversity Scholarships.

On October 14th, the bank info for ACH was delivered to the Treasurer.

On November 7th, the Treasurer of PgUS requested a status update on when
the transfer would be made.

On December 9th, the Treasurer brought to my attention that this
transfer has still not been made

I understand that we are all volunteers but this delay is a bit overkill
isn't it?

It is now the 15th and I as Liaison of PostgreSQL.Org have had zero correspondence in regards to this issue. I request that at a minimum the board respond, preferably the Treasurer with an ETA of resolution.





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