* Josh berkus <j...@postgresql.org> [2016-11-16 11:03]:
> One chronic problem we have had with the SPI Board is failure to attend
> meetings causing board meetings to be recessed due to lack of quorum.

It hasn't been a problem in recent years though.

> As such, I would like to see some reference to a Board Attendence Policy
> in the new bylaws, e.g.:
> "The Board shall adopt a Board Meeting attendence policy which will
> require sitting board members to attend the majority of Board meetings
> in each year.  Violation of this policy will cause the immediate removal
> of the board member with replacement per Section 7."

Note that the following resolution on "Attendance Policy" is still in

I don't mind putting something into the bylaws though.  Directors
definitely have to take their obligations seriously.

Martin Michlmayr
Spi-general mailing list

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