One thing I’d submit for consideration that could be learned from this and 
change is to take the opportunity to put the text into Markdown (or LaTeX) 
format and host it in version control. Then the version control system does the 
diff, and presenting them, for you without any additional effort. 

Here’s an example from the most recent bylaws changes for OBF:

I understand that many in SPI have strong reservations about Github, but 
obviously Github is far from the only platform that allows doing this.

> On Nov 11, 2016, at 12:44 PM, Jimmy Kaplowitz <> wrote:
> Hi Hilmar,
> Completely reasonable request; unfortunately I don't have an easy way to do
> that, since I didn't have Bdale's source document. I copied and pasted from 
> the
> PDF into a fresh LibreOffice document, fixed most of the formatting issues
> manually, and proceeded from there. The lack of a diff is a big part of why I
> tried to summarize the changes in my email, and why I put item #6 in my 
> summary
> of changes.
> If Bdale happened to use LibreOffice or something compatible, I could try to
> generate a diff after getting the source document from him if LibreOffice has 
> a
> way to do that. I'm not sure about either of those "if"s and suspect the diff
> would be noisy anyway due to the reformatting.
> - Jimmy Kaplowitz
> On Fri, Nov 11, 2016 at 11:02:33AM -0500, Hilmar Lapp wrote:
>> Jimmy - is there a way to produce the PDF such that the changes are 
>> highlighted? Or is there another way to directly compare previous to 
>> proposed?
>>  -hilmar
>>> On Nov 11, 2016, at 12:07 AM, Jimmy Kaplowitz <> wrote:
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> I've attached a PDF with a draft set of SPI bylaws to replace the current 
>>> set,
>>> for your discussion and input. It's based on the draft which Bdale sent to
>>> spi-general earlier this year, with certain changes:
>>> 1) Tried to take into account the various feedback I remember from the prior
>>> discussion.
>>> 2) Preserved our existing practice of making directors contributing members 
>>> by
>>> virtue of their position during their time in office.
>>> 3) Fixed various grammar and language issues, and probably worsened some
>>> document formatting issues unrelated to substance that would be fixed for a
>>> final draft.
>>> 4) Retained a more modest-threshold version of the members' current say on
>>> bylaws amendments, but combined that with Bdale's desire for the board to be
>>> able to make amendments with low hassle when the members don't object, and 
>>> to
>>> handle any urgently needed amendments on a short-term provisional basis with
>>> extra checks and balances.
>>> 5) Better implemented our existing intent to stagger the board's terms of
>>> office evenly across several years, partly by reference to an option in NY
>>> state law but with a bunch of extra nuance and detail.
>>> 6) Any changes I forgot to include in this summary. I didn't leave anything 
>>> out
>>> intentionally, of course, but this is a reminder to review the whole 
>>> document.
>>> Looking forward to hearing what you think and iterating as necessary! Once 
>>> we
>>> get to a point where reaction is generally positive and the remaining 
>>> feedback
>>> is minor, I'll address any such minor feedback, involve SPI's lawyers to 
>>> get a
>>> properly compliant final draft, and propose a vote for the board to send to 
>>> the
>>> members. This vote will not happen this month but could be any future month,
>>> depending on when we get to that point.
>>> Thanks for your feedback.
>>> - Jimmy Kaplowitz
>>> <spi-draft-bylaws-nov2016.pdf>_______________________________________________
>>> Spi-general mailing list
>> -- 
>> Hilmar Lapp -:-

Hilmar Lapp -:-

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