Barak A. Pearlmutter writes ("Re: Voting system for elections"):
> On 25 July 2016 at 19:10, Joshua D. Drake <> wrote:
> > If the members could come to a consensus on the type of voting we should
> > switch to, I would be more than happy to write the resolution.
> It seems like a few people seem to find the argument for RRV
> convincing, and no one has objected.

RRV is not AFAICT used anywhere else for political elections.  Even
the web page you produced previously just produces one example of RRV
having been used elsewhere _at all_ and that's for selecting Oscar
nominees for one particular Oscar category.

SPI should adopt a system widely used elsewhere.

STV is the only widely adopted proportional voting system suitable for
SPI (the others are supplementary/additional member systems, and party
list systems).

STV is used:

In the UK:
 * The Northern Ireland Assembly
 * Northern Irish local government elections
 * Scottish local government elections

In Australia:
 * The Australian federal Senate and federal House of Representatives
 * The legislative assemblies (etc.) of all the states etc. (New South
   Wales, Victoria, Queensland, Western Australia, South Australia,
   Tasmania, the Australian Capital Territory, the Northern Territory)
 * (Many?) Australian local councils

(and then I got bored.)

> If no one object, I'd suggest just rolling with an RRV resolution, and
> see if anyone minds at that point. Because we should have something
> sensible and robust in place prior to some future hypothetical big
> voting fight...

SPI should adopt STV.


Ian Jackson <>   These opinions are my own.

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