This is an advance heads up about the upcoming SPI board elections.

The formal nomination period will open on Tuesday 1st July 2014 and run
until Sunday 13th July 2014. The election, if required, will then run
from Monday 15th July 2014 until Monday 28th July 2014. Results will be
announced on Tuesday 29th July 2014.

The primary purpose of this advance notice is to give some time to
people to think about running for a board position. We have 3 seats
available this year and it would be good to see a wider variety of

Potential board members should be able to commit to attending the
monthly board meetings, which are conducted publicly via IRC (#spi on
the OFTC network). These take place at 20:00 UTC on the second Thursday
of every month. More details, including all past agendas and minutes,
can be found at

The ideal candidate will have an existing involvement in the Free and
Open Source community, though this need not be with a project affiliated
with SPI.

Please do take the opportunity to ask any questions you may have about
SPI board membership on the spi-general mailing list before the formal
nomination period opens. You can also find various board members present
on #spi on (OFTC).

Secretary, Software in the Public Interest.

   101 things you can't have too   |  .''`.  Debian GNU/Linux Developer
    much of : 50 - Escalators.     | : :' :  Happy to accept PGP signed
                                   | `. `'   or encrypted mail - RSA
                                   |   `-    key on the keyservers.

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