On Nov 1, 2012, at 8:45 PM, Josh Berkus wrote:

> There is a more substantial technical obstacle to Google Apps NPO 
> subscription: it is limited to a single domain and a single administrator.  
> So all projects who use an SPI-based subscription to Google Apps would be 
> using @spi-inc.org, and SPI IT staff would need to
> control accounts.

I think that's an open question right now - I haven't heard a legally informed 
opinion (or a verdict from Google) as to whether SPI associated projects would 
or would not qualify as branches of an SPI umbrella. If they do, then each 
project can in fact have their own Google Apps account (and thus domain), 
though in the application one needs to link to the one for the umbrella (at 
least that's what I understood).

: Hilmar Lapp -:- Durham, NC -:- hlapp at drycafe dot net :

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