> As long as the individual project has no policy against using
> proprietary software controlled by Google, I don't see the problem.

Well, the discussion was getting a Google Apps account for SPI in
general, rather than for a specific project.  So I think for things
which SPI is doing as an umbrella organization, the "free software" test
still applies.  Of course, I'm not on the Board.  ;-)

There is a more substantial technical obstacle to Google Apps NPO
subscription: it is limited to a single domain and a single
administrator.  So all projects who use an SPI-based subscription to
Google Apps would be using @spi-inc.org, and SPI IT staff would need to
control accounts.  This is not prohibitive, just be aware of it.

Anyway, from the sound of it, OBF doesn't need anything which OSL or our
existing IT infrastructure can't provide ... using entirely free software.

--Josh Berkus

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