Joshua D. Drake wrote:
>> As for the broader issue at hand, I very much agree with Ian that if the
>> Debian liaisons to SPI don't do their job properly and timely in
>> conveying decisions relevant to SPI, it's important for DDs to notify
>> us, both to protect Debian's decision-making integrity and for SPI's
>> own due diligence in conducting transactions. Which is why paragraph 5
>> is a useful encouragement.
> Well again, not so much opposed to the idea of them giving us
> information as much as us actually acting on it.
> 15 DDs stood in a room and cried foul.
> What does that mean?
> 100 DDs stood in a room and cried foul.
> What does that mean?
> There are over 300 DDs aren't there?

O.k. per Ian's other writeup, it appears that certain DDs have certain
powers. THat is interesting.


> Sincerely,
> Joshua D. Drake
>> - Jimmy Kaplowitz


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