On Thu, 2004-01-22 at 11:48, Atif Faruqui wrote:
> Hi,
> I am running Qmail-1.03 running qmail-scanner-1.16 which calls SpamAssassin-2.61.
> This is running on a Solaris 9 box. This is a relay configuration in which relay 
> server
> accepts mail, do spam filtering (spamassassin) and virus check (Mcaffee) and then
> sends mail to exchange server. Lately i am noticing that alot of spam is going to
> users inbox. Users have a rule in their outlook client where all messages which have
> header "X-Spam-Status:Yes" goes to their spam box But now 50 % of spam goes
> in their inbox. I lowered the threshold to 3 but still same result. I turned the 
> verbose
> logging on in qmail and i notice that some of the email message dont have any 
> spamassassin headers and some do. I imagine that all the incoming messages
> should have something like this "X-Spam-Status:" But i dont see this header on all
> messages and i believe this is the reason why half of the spam is going in users
> inbox. Please let me know how i can troubleshoot/resolve this problem
> Thanks
> Atif Faruqui
> Unix Sys Admin
> triVIN, Inc

Check the maillog file and see if you're getting a connection refused
messages or some such message that indicates that it's waiting for
processes to die so it can spawn a spamd child for scanning.

I'm not familiar with the Mcaffee scanner, so it might be that the virus
scanner is taking too long and timing out.

If that doesn't help you might try

Good luck.


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