On Mon, Jan 19, 2004 at 02:16:45PM -0800, Jae Chang wrote:

> Hi, I am noticing a disturbing trend within the past month. I'm
> noticing mails coming thru without any of the normal Spam headers,
> such as:
> X-Spam-Checker-Version:  
> Level:  
> Status:
> These mails inevitably are *never* caught as spam. I can't even check
> what score they were given, since none of the usual headers are
> there. From looking at the message delivery paths, I can see the mail
> *should* have been processed by SA, as it's passed onto exim with -P
> spam-scanned - this is the standard Debian setup with a SA transport
> using spamc and spamd. My best guess, is maybe 5-10% are missing
> headers?! rough guess.
> Has anyone seen similar behavior? I hope someone can provide insight
> as to what may be wrong? Thanks!

Run some statistics on the spamd logs (usually /var/log/maillog).  You
are probably taking longer than 30 seconds to scan many messages.  This
can be caused by the box being overloaded, or various network check
timeouts.  If you have a stale bayes db lock file, it will cause a
timeout.  If you can't update your DCC server list, it will cause a
timeout.  And so on and so forth.

http://www.lambertfam.org/~lambert/SpamAssasssin/ has a set of spamd log
analysis scripts in sh and awk that will tell you how many exceeded the
30 second spamc timeout the maximum message scan time and your average
message scanning time, among other things.

If you are not exceeding the 30 second timeout with spamd, you may not
have enough spamd processess allowed to handle the simultaneous spamc

Scott Lambert                    KC5MLE                       Unix SysAdmin

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